• Comfort • Safe • Secure

Interconnected & Standalone Smoke Alarms for HomesPyrexx GmbH

Pyrexx quality products are manufactured in Germany in compliance with the EU product standard EN 14604. Furthermore, Pyrexx devices comply with the requirements of the TUV and KRIWAN quality matrices and carry the German quality label (‘ Q ‘ ).

In 2013 the German consumer foundation ‘Stiftung Warentest’ rated the PX-1 as Germany’s top rated long-term smoke alarm.

The PX-1 is a stand-alone smoke alarm complying with EN 14604, equipped with a built-in 12 year long-term lithium battery with customised colour, design and original swaroski crystals.

Pyrexx wireless devices are suitable for large or multi-storeyed houses or apartments, and can cover long transmission paths of more than 400 metres in open spaces.

The PX-AR Alarm Relay is an output and input module, which can be integrated into a PX-1C Smoke Alarm radio group which can be used to trigger Ventillation systems, roller shutter, LPG shutdown, 24 x 7 etc.

The Wi-Fi Smoke Alarm System from Pyrexx reliably keeps you informed about the security status of your home, regardless of where you are.

The PX-iP interconnects the PX-1C Smoke Alarms with the internet through Wi-Fi or LAN cable. The gateway can be easily and intuitively configured and controlled by using the Pyrexx App. An emergency power supply and the integrated SIM card ensure proper functionality even if there are internet connection problems

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