Aspect GRIZZLE Aspirating Smoke Detector AE2010G
Aspect GRIZZLE Aspirating Smoke Detector AE2010G
• Two separated areas for connection of pipelines.
• Sensiti vity according to EN54-20, class B and C.
• Up to 2×100 m pipeline per area (class C).
• Tight enclosure with overpressure keeps dust away from
the control electronics.
• Internal supervision warns of operating faults (clogged
fi lters, air fl ow and fan faults), mains and batt ery faults.
• Built-in emergency power supply.
• The ASPECT GRIZZLE may be connected to Elotec fi re alarm
panels, or functi on as a stand-alone device with an integrated
control panel.
Product description
The ASPECT GRIZZLE consists of an aspirator cabinet with built-in fan, filters and two chambers for smoke detection. Naturally occurring gases, particles and condensation are separated from fire gases and smoke before detection takes place.
The Grizzle sensor represents a revolution in nephelometry, and separates dust from smoke through an advanced air analysis. This provides reliable detection of visible smoke, even in corrosive environments with excessive amounts of airborne dust with dimensions almost like smoke particles. Covers the entire spectrum– from server rooms to heavy industry/parking garages. The Grizzle sensor accepts gases that normally occur in the detection zones without giving unwanted alarms, while maintaining the required sensitivity according to EN54-20, classes B and C. The ASPECT is very easy to install. External mounting flanges simplifies mounting on the wall, and hinged covers provides simple access to connection terminals and filters.